HSBC Bank Payment Integration - China

por R Systems Ibizcs Pte Ltd

HSBC Payment Integration for China is used to export/import HSBC Payment details.

Are you doing business in China which require HSBC Payment Integration?

HSBC Bank Payment Integration for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is designed to integrate data between the bank HSBC and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Key Functions

  • Export Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central data in xml file
  • Import data from HSBC into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central


  • Integration of data between HSBC and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Time saving in manual data entry

Supported Editions

  • This app supports both the Essential and Premium edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Country

  • This app is available in Singapore.

Supported Languages

  • This App is available in English (United Kingdom)

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